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-- You ain't heard nothing yet! --

[雑談] Don't Panic!

_ どうなっちゃうんだ。いったい。

Farewell Tiggs

_ Greetings folks,

_ It is true that Tiggs is no longer with SOE. I would ask that no matter what your personal opinion of her may be, that you please keep your comments positive and wish her luck.

_ Good luck and fare well Tiggs.

_ (Tiggs 氏が SOE を辞めたらしい)

Coming Soon – Additional Character Slots!

_ Get ready to double your fun. In the coming months, every active player will get two characters per galaxy spread over four different galaxies (eight total max)! Stay tuned for more information.

_ (近いうちに1サーバーあたり2キャラになるよという予告)